Stock Status Definitions
In Stock
An item listed as "In Stock" is ready to ship within the next two business days. You order will ship as soon as all items on your order are ready. When your order is ready to ship, you will receive a tracking number from PayPal.
An item listed as "Backordered" is not in stock, but will be soon. If you place an order for a backordered item, you will be placed in the waiting list for that item. Backordered items usually contain components that are purchased from a separate manufacturer and order times will depend on the lead time from that supplier. Typically, this is no longer than two weeks, but could be as much as a month or longer. When your order is ready to ship, you will receive a tracking number from PayPal.
An item listed as "Pre-Order" is typically a new-released item. If you place an order for a pre-order item, your order will be placed in queue along with other pre-orders. Usually an estimated shipping date will be provided on the product page. Please note: a pre-order may be longer than a month to ship, depending on the item. When your order is ready to ship, you will receive a tracking number from PayPal.
3D Printed Part - Special Order
An item listed as "3D Printed Part - Special Order" is a part that will be 3D printed. Most 3D printed parts are made specifically for each order and do not exist until the order is paid for. For these parts, when you place your order, it is placed on the Print Queue, and will be printed typically in a "first come, first served" manner. Typically, your order should take no longer than two weeks to ship, but may take as long as a month or more depending on other orders in queue. When your order is ready to ship, you will receive a tracking number from PayPal.
Many of our 3D printed parts can also be ordered through our Shapeways Store.
Many of our 3D printed parts can also be ordered through our Shapeways Store.
Special Order
An item listed as "Special Order" is one that is typically made in small batches. If you place an order for an item that is listed as "Special Order", it will be placed in a list along with other orders for this item. When the small batch is made, those with orders will be notified that it is ready to ship. Typically, this is no longer than three weeks. When your order is ready to ship, you will receive a tracking number from PayPal.
Out of Stock
An item listed as "Out Of Stock" is something that is currently not available to order. If enough demand for this item exists, a new batch may be made. To request an item that is listed as "Out Of Stock", please visit the CONTACT page, and submit a query for it.
If you would like to check the current estimated time on any product, please visit the CONTACT page, and submit a query for it.